Meet "wheelchair bae", the beautiful paraplegic model taking the internet by storm

From Teacher Bae to Prison Bae then Dentist Bae and
now, Wheelchair Bae. The internet is awash again with the appealing
photos of a woman; this time, one confined to a wheelchair.
Maries is an Instagram model but she is special in the sense that she
is paraplegic.
A bad accident led to a spine injury which means she now has to move around with the aid of a wheelchair but that has not slowed the lovely lady's pace and now, the internet has noticed her.
A bad accident led to a spine injury which means she now has to move around with the aid of a wheelchair but that has not slowed the lovely lady's pace and now, the internet has noticed her.
has thousands of followers on Instagram where she constantly shares
gorgeous photos of herself clad in beautiful fashion pieces. She is
working to regain the function of her legs and her modelling career is
on an upward rise. 

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