Nigerian woman who was caring for Jessica Nkechi's seven-year-old son in London at the time of her death told the court on Monday, January 16th, that she thought the deceased was working in a jewelry shop in Aberdeen and that she had 'planned' to marry her 21-year-old boyfriend, Patrick Dignam. Bala Chinda, 26, is currently on trial for the rape and murder of Ms McGraa, 36, at her home on February 11, 2016. The court heard that Bimbo Ouiawe had never met any of her 'adopted' daughter’s friends in Aberdeen although she had spoken to a man, believed to be Patrick Dignam, who the escort was dating at the time. She told officers in a statement: "She said that she was going to marry him. In the statement read out to the court Miss Ouiawe told police: “Jessica would keep regular contact with her brother and sisters by phone. I knew that she would send money to her family. The 50-year-old woman also told the police officer that she was under the impression that her d...